Monday, January 31, 2005


The biggest problem in understanding Asians is we have a different sense of humor.

Take my wife!!! We were standing on a platform of the Bangkok subway when I mooned the security camera. Now that there's funny! Everyone knows that there's funny. But did she think it was funny? No! She started acting like she wasn't with me. What could be wrong with someone like that?

I don't see how we could have anything in common with someone who doesn't think that there's funny.

I sent the above as an email to a few friends. This is a comment one sent me:

"Mooning in the subway is a high school or freshman college fraternity prank, not fitting for a senior citizen. Your wife was understandably embarrassed because your wrinkled hairy butt is for her eyes only these days, but now a photo of it is sure to be placed with the subway security's watch list."

I guess I have to explain the original story. It is fiction. Fiction means it never happened. I thought it might be funny to take the persona of an ignorant white guy who behaves like his wife is odd when every reader would know that she is the normal one and it’s the writer who’s weird. I guess the humor didn’t work. For sure if I have to explain it, it didn’t work.


Blogger Walter Guest said...

Of course I like you. Any writer likes someone who enjoys their work. Even better are constructive comments. I would have commented on your blog but I couldn't understand a word.

February 2, 2005 at 3:24 AM  

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